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A Prayer for Nicaragua

drops of grace has been sending teams to Central America to work with our partner Global CHE for many years. Through your generous donations, we were able to provide a mobile drilling rig for Global CHE to use primarily in Nicaragua. This rig has enabled thousands of people to experience the life-changing benefit of having access to clean water in their communities. We have developed deep relationships with Global CHE and with many wonderful people in Nicaragua.

As you may know, the country of Nicaragua has been in turmoil this year. The ongoing political unrest has tragically resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives. Nicaraguans are afraid for their country, their families, and their futures as unemployment and poverty have increased due to the ongoing violence. We ask that you pray for a peaceful resolution to the situation in Nicaragua, pray for our partners at Global CHE, and pray for the people of Nicaragua.

Global CHE’s ministry is active & vibrant across Central America. They currently work in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
drops of grace is making plans to take teams to Central America to work side-by-side with Global CHE in 2019. We look forward to returning to Nicaragua when it is safe. Until that time, we are very excited to continue our work with our partner Global CHE in other parts of Central America where there is great need.



In 2012, drops purchased a trailer-mounted drilling rig and sent it to Nicaragua where, in partnership with Global Che, is used to drill water wells in underdeveloped villages. drops of grace is committed to a holistic approach to community development. This begins with water. Our dream is to bring lasting sources of clean water to communities we serve in Nicaragua.

We know that community development happens best when local people are engaged in their own development process. Before a water system is provided in community, our in-country partner, Global CHE Enterprises, has already established a relationship with the community in need. The community has agreed to and assigned a water commission and they have decided collectively where their new system will be located. This equips the communities to begin to develop the tools necessary for lasting change.

CHE Core Values

When our teams and the community members come together to drill for water, the community has already proven their commitment and ownership to the project. This helps to ensure that true transformation is sustainable and long lasting.

Once a community has ongoing access to a safe water source, people are healthier, children stay in school, and women have more time to spend caring for their families. When you donate a well or join us on a dig you become part of a family of compassionate and generous people who care about the well-being and health of a community for generations to come.

One well can provide fresh water for as many as 1,000 people in community. Each well costs: $3,000. Sponsor a well. Work together with friends and family to raise funds together for a well. Participate in drilling a well. You will discover that it is WELL worth it!


Upcoming Trip: Guatemala 2019

December 8-14

Get more information about current and future trips, or to sponsor a well:

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