Becoming drops of grace


drops of grace was founded in 2008 by a small group of ordinary people who were inspired by a series of mission experiences in the United States and abroad and who, individually, were stirred by the spirit of the people in developing communities around the world.

The founders, all members of First United Methodist Church in Round Rock Texas, began their mission journey on different paths. Local mission work, inter and intra-state high school and middle school mission trips, international trips to Costa Rica (2003), South Africa (2004), Mexico (2007), Swaziland (2007), Malawi (2007), and Honduras (2007) compelled the founders of the organization to do something more and revealed to them that perhaps there was another way to spread God's love and help make a small difference in the lives of those at risk of sustaining a healthy life.

The different paths began to converge following the leap of faith to embark on a long term mission and relocation of a valued member of the team to Swaziland, then a construction mission to Mexico, a medical mission to Malawi, and water and health & hygiene mission to Honduras. It became clear that the inspiration and commitment of the group was such that another leap may be on the horizon; a series of meetings to discuss and pray about where the path was leading, resulted in the formation of this humanitarian organization. An opportunity to live our lives in the service of others was emanate.

Our heart regulates our hands. This team of ordinary people has put faces and names to the 1.2 billion people living in poverty through working shoulder to shoulder with them all the way, we have cried with them, and we have laughed, we have built trusting and memorable friendships with them. We know them. For us grace is a divine love; a disposition to be generous. Generosity is a freedom; a tangible way of being. Our deepest hope is to generously drop some grace over our friends so that they too can live a long and prosperous life filled with love, hope, and a few drops of grace.

" see that you also excel in this grace of giving" Corinthians 8:7